
Monday 11 December 2017


Not quite long ago, alternative medicine, both in theory and practice and even by mere mention was a medical sacrilege of some sort that conjured up a sense of the bizarre and outright anathema. Proponents and proselytes of the health care option received a derogatory and cajoling attribution of medical quacks and stood the risk of social indictment and legal restriction at the instance of civil and orthodox medical authorities.

On the other hand, until now, the pharmaceutical industry world-wide, aided and abetted by orthodox media practitioners, has literally overwhelmed their consumers with targeted media publicity, often referred to as health education and enlightenment, in which the public is made to stand in awe and appreciation for the wonders of medical science and the hope it holds out to the sick and would-be-sick humanity.

The way things are going today, the era of medical orthodoxy and its unchallenged monopoly of expertise and authority in health and medical care, like empires, has reached its end time. Today, things are changing or indeed have changed and the end of the era of orthodox medicine may well be nearer than many people ever thought, giving way to the old, call it primitive ways of health and Medicare in the realm of optional medicine, alternative medicine as it is commonly called. The signs are there for everybody to see, even if it has not become a matter of mainstream media hype, as has been the case with the frenzied promotion of new inventions and achievements of conventional medicine in the past several decades.

In the past one decade, there has been a gradual but steady rise in the acceptance of alternative medicine as an option, nay, as the preferred, more efficacious and less costly health care option by medical professionals, conventional healthcare institutions and medical consumers, including whole families in the United States and other countries of the world.

The nomenclature may not be an issue here, whether they call it alternative medicine independent of orthodox medicine or integrative medicine that combines and compliments orthodox medicine, the message is loud and clear, orthodox medicine is on its way out as the popular health care option. Only a matter of time

The ever-increasing volume of proponents of alternative or integrative medicine has a basic doctrine: alternative and integrative medicine address the totality of a patient’s personality - physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, environmental and even cultural influences as well as employ therapies and medical procedures that extend beyond surgeries, drugs and radiation that are the basic rule of orthodox medicine.

“According to Healthline, Dr. Andrew Weil, the Harvard-educated physician, author, lecturer, and internationally recognized pioneer of integrative and holistic health, who, in 1994 founded the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, years before most people had even heard of integrative medicine reported that today, approximately half of America’s medical schools have signed on to an integrative medicine consortium.

Whatever happened to orthodox medicine? A matter of natural law, some might say. Everything has a natural course of beginning and end, its period of rise and fall – of glory, fame, power, supremacy, name it. This may be true in respect of ebbing supremacy of orthodox medicine. Nothing lasts forever. Yet, in the case of orthodox medicine, there appears to more to it than the mere natural course of things, pointing to an element of professional ineptitude, bordering on fraud against humanity.

Beginning with the issue of efficacy in terms of disease cure, orthodox medicine has long before now been variously challenged and questioned, notably by proponents of alternative medicine as well as medical consumers who have had personal experience of both medical brands, and not less by neutral watchers of the medical profession and even from within orthodox medical professionals.

In real terms, the challenge begins with the array of diseases without known cure which orthodox doctors have classified under so-called ‘incurable diseases’ or management list, some until very recently and others until today, such as cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorder, diabetes, obesity, sickle cell, name them, almost all of which are on the increase today. What is more, several alternative medicine practitioners have claimed and shown proof of curing many of these incurable and managed diseases with confirmations by patients.

To be sure, alternative medicine as discussed here encompasses a range of natural or herbal based health formulas including diet and nutrition, natural therapeutics such as supplements, vitamins, herbs, and lifestyles such as exercise, physical and mental therapies including massaging among other have a direct curative and preventive impact on disease including disease reversal.

Healthline quotes Dr. Weil as saying that “Patients are dissatisfied with the small amount of time they get with their doctors and with doctors who prescribe a pill for every ill.” …patients are saying that the conventional model is not working, that it’s broken. And they are right”, Weil said. According to him, many doctors, too, are unhappy with the current system and are beginning to embrace this new model to varying degrees.

Beyond the challenge of incapacity in most terminal diseases, orthodox medicine has faced another even more despicable charges from health care stakeholders from a wide range of critics, again, including medical personnel in both alternative and conventions medicine, bordering smacking of scam.

A recent Washington Post article further captures the medical scam scenario. The article captioned,

“Why aren’t more doctors prescribing oxygen?” and written by one of the newspaper’s advertisers recalls that in 1931, a man named Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for work proving that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in human cells. In his book, “The Prime Cause and prevention of cancer”, Dr. Warburg stated that inter alia, that “the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements” The writer further referred to a documentation and proof far back in the late 1800’s showing that oxygen therapy works in the effective treatment of cancer. So the questions are, if the antidote for cancer is so easy, how come orthodox medical practitioners have not told us so?

The answer is simple, the writer said. You can’t make money out of oxygen therapy. Yes, the harsh reality is that the medical pharmaceutical industry doesn’t make money out of cures, it makes money out of treatments. And the best way for them to line their pockets……is for YOU to stay sick as long as possible.Otherwise they would be bankrupt overnight! And they are deadly serious about this, there are countless stories of people being hammered into the ground and sued into oblivion, for having the audacity to talk about oxygen therapy. So it’s no wonder you’ve never heard of this treatment before…”

In another article by Mike Adam published by NewsTarget/Truth Publishing in September, Adam echoes a trumpet of “The Hoax of Modern Medicine: Seven Facts You Need To Know” which is the title of his article in which he painted the picture of American health care system that is mired in fraud.

“When it comes to health care, drug prices and politics, both side of the aisle have been bought off by Big Pharma”, he wrote.

Like the Oxygen story above, Adam goes on to rail against cancer treatment fraud in the country. “No one is talking about getting people OFF prescription drugs and onto disease prevention diets, healthful lifestyles, and low-cost nutritional supplementation. The answers to preventing 90 percent of all cancers in this country are right in front of us, yet no one is talking about using a cancer prevention diet (plus sunlight and exercise) to stop this epidemic of preventable disease”.

“Rather than protecting the people, politicians are now in bed with the powerful corporations selling foods, drugs and personal care products that actually harm people. There is no real defender of the people who remains in power in Washington. The entire power base has shifted to those sellout bureaucrats who seem to be willing to sacrifice the future health of this nation in order to solidify their own personal reelection campaigns with the help of corporate donations (bribes)”

Describing America as “An intoxicated nation”. Adam went on with his tirade against the scam on Americans by orthodox medicine. “We have become a nation of drug addicts -- and I don't mean illegal drugs. From the high-fructose corn syrup and caffeine in the food supply to all the prescription drugs people now believe they need because they saw them on TV, synthetic substances now dominate American medicine (and American tragedy). An estimated 30 percent of all traffic accidents are now caused by people on medication, and yet the drug companies are pushing, even more, drugs for yet more fictitious diseases -- because, you know, there's always a way to add yet one more pill to the daily chemical intake, right?

As Adam correctly diagnosed, modern medicine is the cause of disease. “It increasingly seems like the only real disease in this country is the sickness of believing in pharmaceutical medicine. It's a kind of madness, actually: Thinking that a synthetic chemical can solve all your problems and put your life in perfect order like those actors shown in pharmaceutical television ads. I believe it will one day be viewed as a kind of cultural mass psychosis. When it comes to health, our modern world has lost its mind, and the so-called science backing it up has lost all touch with scientific reality. Modern medicine is a hoax. Science has been abandoned for marketing. Safety has been thrown out the window and replaced with profit potential. Ethics have surrendered to greed, and we have now become a nation of mind-numbed druggies who seem increasingly incapable of questioning the news..”

Adam was not done yet until he concluded with his 7 facts of modern orthodox medicine which represent a perfect grasp of the sorry scheme of things in conventional medicine.

Fact #1: 90 percent of all diseases (cancer, diabetes, depression, heart disease, etc.) are easily preventable through diet, nutrition, sunlight, and exercise. None of these solutions are ever promoted because they make no money.

Fact #2: Nearly all the consumption of pharmaceuticals today is a direct result of marketing to the public and covertly bribing physicians to write more prescriptions. There is very little drug consumption based on scientific merit.

Fact #3: No pharmaceuticals actually cure or resolve the underlying causes of disease. Even "successful" drugs only manage symptoms, usually at the cost of interfering with other physiological functions that will cause side effects down the road. There is no such thing as a drug without a side effect.

Fact #4: There is no financial incentive for anyone in today's system of medicine (drug companies, hospitals, doctors, etc.) to actually make patients well. Profits are found in continued sickness, not wellness or prevention.

Fact #5: Virtually all the "prevention" programs you see today (such as free mammograms or other screening programs) are little more than cleverly disguised patient recruitment schemes. They use free screenings to scare people into agreeing to expensive and often unnecessary treatments that enrich drug companies. Breast cancer mammography is a complete scam: The machines actually cause cancer!

Fact #6: Doctors know virtually nothing about nutrition and are still not taught nutrition in medical schools. Expecting a doctor to teach you about how to prevent disease is sort of like expecting a car mechanic to show you how to perform brain surgery. Although there are some exceptions (doctors who have taught themselves nutrition), most doctors remain so nutritionally illiterate that they have no familiarity with the natural plant-based medicines found in everyday fruits and vegetables.

Fact #7: Nobody has any interest in your health except you. No corporation, no doctor, and no government have any desire to actually make you well. Keeping you sick makes it easier for them to control and financially exploit you. Healthy, aware individuals are perceived as a threat to the tyrannical institutions now running this country, and they've figured out that the best way to keep a nation controlled and subdued is to drug 'em all and keep the people in a constant state of brain fog from medications and fluoride. The only healthy, aware, critically thinking individuals I know are all 100% free of pharmaceuticals and processed foods (and watch no television, either).

Remember those seven facts and you'll know more about health and disease than most people. And for your part, stay healthy! Work to safely get off all prescription drugs, eat a diet of natural, wholesome foods (and avoid processed foods), exercise regularly, avoid toxic chemicals in your home (throw out those toxic laundry detergents and switch to soap nuts), and toss those toxic personal care products (skin creams, cosmetics, shampoo, etc.). Stay natural, healthy and alert. Be well, and you'll be the exception! And please, never be so gullible as to think that your government is going to "save you" with a new health care reform plan. Even if we switch to free health insurance for everyone, the whole system is s till based on toxic treatments that cure nothing!”

That is how bad the situation has become with orthodox medicine, not in America alone but the entire globe, a situation of utter hopelessness and bankruptcy of ethic and moral, one of the greatest threats to societal and global health and the greatest scam ever unleashed on humanity since the beginning of the world.

For the individual and family, the situation presents a real and present danger as has never been known in human history and which naturally calls for a rethink and a re-choice of health care options from a copious list of best available highly efficacious and all-embracing natural health care supplements. Read more.

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